Monday 10 January 2011

Choosing Final Images - People and Portraits

I wanted to make my theme take a commercial aspect and followed the works of Joe Tierney who uses contrasting colours and textured backgrounds to create a specific look. In addition I have been researching Mark Tierney too. Mark uses colour to great effect in choosing graffiti, or textured, walls to add interest and another dimension to his images.

Bearing this in mind I took a number of images on an industrial park near to where I live. This gave me several images that were good enough to use. My intention was always to try to find some graffiti to add another set of images to compliment the first, but weather and time conspired against me, so I had to consider making do with what I had.

After much searching I chose the following images:

I liked the use of the bright colours and the lines created by the roller shutter doors. However, there were many similar images in these shots and some of them just did not seem to fit. So I trimmed them down to the following:

This left me with a dilemma as there are not 10 images here. After some soul searching I added a couple more back in, but that did notwork and my concerns were echoed in a discussion with Steve on Thursday. So there was nothing for it. I prayed for good weather over the weekend and on Sunday, with a fantastic blue sky and a willing volunteer, I found some graffiti underneath a bridge in Tamworth and was able to take a number of images to complete the portfolio.

The difficulty then, became identifying which ones worked with the previous images. I whittled them down to the following images:

Looking through them and sticking to my original concept, I wanted to use colour in the images, to add additional interest. There were some easy ones to dismiss (there was only one image of my son - so that went). Also, a couple of them were very vibrant, but the area I wanted as the main focal point was ever so slightly not fully in focus - so they went. Leaving the following:
If you look carefully, you will notice that the two images on the left at the bottom are different from their counterparts in the previous image. This is because I was really drawn by the way the light comes into these images and decided that they would look better in black and white. This defeats the colour theory, I know, but the effect of the light is exaggerated as a result, which in itself creates another level of interest.

That left me with six images, from which I needed to choose three. Retaining the colour interest, I removed the B&W duplicate on the middle row and then decided to keep the middle image itself, as it has an interesting pose and shows the colours in the background. That left me with one from three to choose and I decided to retain the very last image as this too had a lot of peripheral colour.

So my last 10 images are as indicated below.

I think that these reflect my original concept of commercial and graffiti and am very much happier with them now, than I was with just the commercial images which I had prior to the weekend.

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